health treatments


Question by  debtat (19)

What is normal treatment for low grade squamous hpv?


Answer by  luvlexis83 (798)

After taking a colposcopy a doctor will determine what treatment is best. Some times the low grade lesions will go away on their own. The doctor may remove them to prevent the progression to cancer.


Answer by  Amy21 (460)

Normal treatment is to apply a topical ointment that burns the outer layer to ger ride of the cells. Can only be by medical prescription.


Answer by  jaime24 (744)

The treatment for low grade squamus hpv is the same treatment as other forms of hpv. They can freeze the cancer off of your cervix, and hopefully it will not come back.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well the common treatments are cortoisoid creams that are provided by your doctor. Make sure he prescribes them for you. Also, good diet and exercise are the keys to vital recovery.

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