what is


Question by  Ghostbox (23)

What is impetigo?


Answer by  colo22 (278)

This is a skin infection caused by two bacteria (staph and strep). It is more common in children and is contagious.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

It is a term used to descibe superficial skin infection with either Steptococcal or mosre commonly Staph Aureus bacteria. It is spread via auto inoculation from scratching. If you suspect you have it you need to see a doctor to get it treated.


Answer by  dhuoda (1431)

It is a bacterial infection of the skin, common in young children around the mouth and nose area and very contagious. It can strike anyone, though, anywhere on the body and can be passed on by touch or via clothing and towels.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

It's a skin infection that usually manifests with itchy blisters. It's caused by bacteria and usually an antibiotic ointment will treat it.


Answer by  Hemanth (26)

Impetigo is one of the skin infections that is contagious and caused by bacteria. Normally found in children, small blotches or spots of redness in the skin becomes blisters and after a couple of days gets crusted and peels off. After diagnosis, doctors usually prescribe antibiotic cream. Infected children and their things should be isolated till they are cured.


Answer by  Sauve (435)

It is a common skin disorder or infection. It generally produces blisters on the skin that are easy to pop.


Answer by  Charlotte (76)

It's a bacterial skin infection common in small children. It is a staph infection and is contracted through direct skin contact.


Answer by  lita (135)

Impetigo is a superficial contagious skin rash. Its more likely to happen to children between the age of 2 and 6, and to people who play close contact sports. It can cause blister and ooze fluid from th open sores.

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