

Question by  mamers (23)

What is done to treat gangrene in dogs?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Depending on the dog's overall health condition, usually surgery is used to treat gangrene. Sometimes a dog can get away with just antibiotic treatment.


Answer by  miekkro (82)

The most common treatment for gangrene in dogs is a course of antibiotics. Consult with your veterinarian. If the gangrene has been left untreated for a significant length of time then more drastic treatments, such as surgery on or even amputation of the affected area, may be required.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

The first course of treatment is antibiotics. Depending on the age and the overall health of the dog determines if they are a surgical candidate if that fails. Iy also depends on the location and how widespread the gangrene is because sometimes the best thing to do for such an ailing dog is to have it put down.


Answer by  newarkdanny (459)

The dog will have to be totally shaved , almost down to the skin . Them a bath is given in special solution to treat the infection.


Answer by  cathyann (82)

A vet would take x-rays and an ultra-sound to see how bad the infection is. Surgery is what will cause it from spreading. They will start the dog on antibiotics.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Usually the only way to treat gangrene once it sets in is to remove all the affected tissue that has gangrene.


Answer by  Jessie67 (8)

The easiest treatment for gangrene in Dogs is to treat with a vigorous course of antibiotics and always keep the infected areas clean.

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