what is


Question by  mangosteen (272)

What is a Head Fake?

I have seen this phrase used in both sport and non-sport contexts.


Answer by  avalanchebad (164)

In sports, a head fake refers to moving one's head in a certain direction, contrary to the intended path the player is going to take. The non-sports usage of this term is just an allusion to its sports related context. It simply involves deceiving someone into thinking you're going to do something and then doing something else.


Answer by  jp1999 (231)

Head fake is a term commonly used in sports, but also can be applied in other life situations. It is the practice of appearing to go one way when you are in reality going another. This strategy is also used by teachers and professors to engage their students. Parents also use this strategy on their kids.


Answer by  hotrodmagoo (54)

A head fake can be summed up as anything that can throw you off or distract you. This can be a physical action or even verbal dialogue. A fake shot attempt and a car turning the opposite way its blinker is flashing are both examples. Saying one thing while doing another can also be "head faking. "


Answer by  bullaure (17)

It's used to trick someone into thinking that you're going in a different direction. For instance, once could be used in soccer to make it look like you are going to move to the right, but you actually go to the left. You have to jerk or move your head the opposite direction of where you're going.

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