


Question by  jayjay (23)

What flowering shrubs are good for pots?


Answer by  GreenGoblin (39)

Many small growing shrubs are suitable for growing in pots and can add an almost archetectural element to awkward areas. Nerium oleander would be a classy choice with its beautiful deep pink flowers and glossy foliage. Jasmine given support makes an interesting and fragrant addition. Other likely candidates include; the Ericas, Viburnum tinus and Daphne mezereum.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Extra bushy and one third the size of regular Butterflys include; Peacock, Adonis Blue, Miss Ruby, North Star, Purple Emporer, Petit Bleu, Sunshine Blue, Marie Bleu, Vanilla Spice, and Soft Serve. Rose of Sharon, Hydrangea, Vibernum, Weigela, Black Lace Elderberry... there are many others to choose from.


Answer by  petra (39)

The butterfly bush peacock is compact enough to grow in pots. It is easy to take care of. It does not carry diseases and has an extreme pest resistance.


Answer by  jeena (2)

roses are good for pots because it seems to be very attractive when it is arranged in pots,it also give possitivenes to mind

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