

Question by  lmastrobuono (36)

What etiquette do I need to know as the father of the bride?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Good manners and grace are in order for everyone, all the time. The father of the bride supports his daughter and makes sure that she is the star of the day. There are lots of books and websites that detail the duties of the FOTB.


Answer by  Darry (3853)

The father of the bride historically pays for the wedding though this has fallen out of favor in recent years. You will walk the bride down the aisle, give her away, and give a toast at the reception. You should wear the same style of outfit as the groom also.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

As the father of the bride it is your responsibility to escort the bride, you should maintain your conduct in a manner that would be pleasing to the bride.


Answer by  starmlw (960)

You are escorting her to the arm of her future husband. Don't trip. Don't let her trip. She takes your arm, you don't grab her. If the groom puts out his hand shake it. If ok with her, kiss her on the cheek before you put her hand in his. No matter what, she is always your little girl.


Answer by  AnswerMan95 (18)

No one is allowed to take off their sports coat until the father of the bride does. FOBs be aware, and take that jacket off when the dancing begins.


Answer by  DanielleK (535)

Your role as the father of the bride is to escort your daughter down the aisle and give her away to her new husband. It shows you trust her new spouse with her life, and for the rest of the wedding and reception, you simply enjoy watching as your daughter starts her new life with her husband.


Answer by  cmkekbif (778)

Father of the bride will need to be available during all phases of the planning and the rehearsal. The wedding planner can help a great deal.

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