health conditions


Question by  chandrasekar (16)

What does a pinched nerve feel like?

I would like a short description.


Answer by  prissymissy (1895)

A pinched nerve is usually a very sharp, localized pain. You will feel it in one specific area, like your right foot. They are pretty painful.


Answer by  Thorie1 (59)

There are 3 different level damanges on pinched nerve that cause pain; Neuro temesis, Axono temesis, Neurolysis (break and cut) those damages create sharp shooting pain like electrical shock pain, pins and neddles pain, tinggling and numbness.


Answer by  SallyJ64 (3121)

I think it can present differently, but when I had one after an accident I had tingling going down my arm and numbness in my fingers. There was also a sharp pain that would radiate out from a point on my back. It got worse the more I used my arm.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

A pinched nerve can have the sensation of more than one feeling. Sometimes you might feel numb or there may be severe pain or a dull pain. Your doctor will have to diagnose it.


Answer by  juanita57 (1374)

They say a pinched nerve can be very painful. Pain runs up and down the area that it is in.Need to get a prescription from doctor to ease the pain.


Answer by  severaltimes (247)

A pinched or compressed nerve can produce a variety of sensations dependent upon where the nerve is located. Pain or numbness could develop and radiate down the back of the legs or down the hands and fingers. Severe pain or weakness, accompanied or preceded by a tingling sensation, can also develop.


Answer by  kfwyatt (138)

Pain could be in the form of sharp jabbing pain or throbing. It could also result in numbness or tingling.

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