

Question by  Todd (7)

What could cause a blood spot in my eye?


Answer by  sallyflutterbee (32)

A blood spot in the eye is a broken capillary, which could be caused by supressing a sneeze. The immense pressure created internally when a sneeze is held in rather than let out commonly causes broken capillaries in the eye, which are then seen as tiny spots of blood. Always let your sneezes out, covering your mouth when you do!


Answer by  Anonymous

My husbands eyes are very red all over both eye, he is on eye drops and strong antibiotics for a week now and it doesnt seem to be improving. How long should it be before it cleares up.


Answer by  mandam7 (56)

Your eyes, like all of your body, are filled with the smallest type of blood vessels, which are known as capillaries. These capillaries are very thin and can easily rupture. In the eye, pressure can cause this to happen. A commom cause is frequent vomiting.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

A blood post in the eye could be something in it agitating the eye, or possibly a busted blood vessel.

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