

Question by  vianuria (13)

What could be causing pain on the right side of my lower abdomen?


Answer by  somerset (801)

Right side of the lower abdomen is the location of appendix. An easy way to remember is opposite side of the location of the heart. I would consult a doctor, if it is inflamed appendix causing the pain, you probably want to remove it before it causes serious problems.


Answer by  embockjr (709)

It is not recommended for anyone not to seek the advice of a medical doctor for such problems, however, pain on the right side of your lower abdomen could very likely be the sign of an inflamed appendix. An additional point would be whether or not an elevanted temperature is also present. Againh, seek professional medical advice!


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

The first thing that comes to mind is appendicitis, which can be fatal if you don't take care of it. In any case, pain in your abdomen should be checked out by a doctor. It could be something simple or something serious.


Answer by  jackie (276)

It depends on how intense the pain is. If it's really bad, you could be suffering from kidney stones. In that case, the pain will probably be worst in the mornings, just after or while you're urinating.

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