

Question by  Sonny (44)

What could be causing my dog's mouth to be swollen?


Answer by  CatherineKlay (440)

Swelling is generally a sign of an infection. I am guessing by "mouth," you are referring to the gums or tongue. It is possible that your dog has a cut from chewing on something sharp, even a broken stick, and that the laceration has become infected. Your dog needs to go to the vet!


Answer by  paulej (28)

Anything from an irritation, a bee sting, or an allergic reaction to mediaction or plants/food could be causing your dog's mouth to swell. Allergic reactions can been distinguished by white gums. If your dog has white gums try some allergy medication (such as Benedryl). Either way you should see the vet soon.


Answer by  Rogueface (40)

Any number of things could cause a swollen mouth. Your dog could have been stung by a bee. Your dog could have eaten something outside that it has an allergy to. If there are no other symptoms, give it a day and see if it goes down. If there are, take him to the vet. Otherwise call the vet.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Allergic Reactions can cause swollen throats and mouths in dogs. If that is the case your dog may have problems breathing. If you think your dog is having an allergic reaction you should take your dog to the vet or the closets animal emergency room.

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