

Question by  Joe74 (69)

What Congress was established from the tea tax and act?


Answer by  ROCKstar913 (57)

Around the time of the British Tea taxes/ acts, the First and Second Continental Congresses were established to discuss situations and plot courses of action.


Answer by  c356s (7)

The Tea Tax of 1773 did not immediately lead to a Congress. The first response to the tax was the Boston Tea Party. Outraged by the colonist's actions, The British government responded to by passing the Intolerable Acts of 1774. The First Continental Congress met later on in 1774 to write a letter to the king addressing colonial grievances


Answer by  smifthbf (31)

The Continental Congress, representing the 13 colonies that became the United States, was created in response to actions taken by England, such as the stamp act and tax on tea. This body eventually created the Declaration of Independence calling for separation from England.

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