mental health


Question by  JakeWillard (26)

What causes panic attacks?

I mean, how does psychology cause physical problems?


Answer by  jennibii (184)

Panic attacks are sometimes hereditary. Severe stress, major life changes and transitions, and other medical conditions are also connected with panic attacks. Stimulants, like drugs and caffeine are also a major connector of panic attacks.


Answer by  hairlover33 (72)

Panic attacks usually occur within people who have depression or anxiety disorders. Depression and anxiety are not just caused by external events, but brain chemistry. Psychology is the study of how people think and how the brain works. When someone experiences a panic attack their brain is reacting.


Answer by  cmm (57)

In a situation where you feel threatened, part of your body's natural reaction is the release of adrenaline, which can raise your heart rate, cause blood vessels to constrict and your skin to flush. If this sets up a feedback cycle, these changes can race out of control, thus leading to panic attack symptoms.


Answer by  Anita27 (656)

Panic attacks are trigged when a person has a more intense reaction to a stressor than most people. Things that are no big deal to some people, like being in a crowded space, can provoke a much stronger response in a person who has had a bad experience in a tight space in their past.


Answer by  Manda (1103)

Panic attacks are the result of the mind, i.e. mainly resulting from mental thoughts, such as fear. People get panic attacks from phobias, like when in enclosed spaces, or when they see spiders, or when stressed out, such as taking tests or the like.


Answer by  ncdaisygirl (175)

A panic attack can begin when a person feels that they are in a situation that gives them extreme anxiety such as speaking in public.


Answer by  mollysue (14)

Panic attacks are normally caused by a extensive amount of stress. Usually this is built up into one moment which causes you to feel unable to breath or function normally.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

Panic attacks are a heightened form of the fight or flight syndrome. You can use relaxation techniques to keep yourself from going into that mode. If the attacks are very bad, medication is available that will help.


Answer by  Cris77 (163)

Panic attacks are caused by anything that brings up stress. A panic attack can be cause physical problems such as shortness of breathe.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

It is the interpretation of physical sensations such as shortness of breath, feeling dizzy etc. as having catastrophic meaning such as that they are going crazy or are dying.

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