

Question by  Turker23 (4)

What are the symptoms of thrombosis?


Answer by  Darry (3853)

Common symptoms include swelling in the affected portion of the body, pain and tenderness at the spot, warmth, and discoloration of the skin.


Answer by  monkeyz (3150)

Symptoms of thrombosis are mostly centered in the legs. They include pain in the legs when sitting, standing, or walking, swelling of the legs, swelling of the veins in the legs, and reduced pain when the legs are raised. It is also possible that there are no symptoms or that the symptoms are very mild.


Answer by  cindy (1484)

Thrombosis is veins of the legs causes pain, swelling, redness, and warmth of the affected limb. Thrombosis in the vessels of the hearts causes a heart attack.


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

Some symptoms are a tight swollen limb, redness of the area, heat in the area, pain in the area. Thrombosis is a fancy word for a blood clot. This can kill you if the clot breaks free and reaches your lungs or heart. Call your health care provider for your own peace of mind.

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