


Question by  skewed (15)

What are the rules about lifting a hockey puck during a game?


Answer by  Fadiekay (21)

You can't pick up the puck during game play. You can catch the puck out of the air, but you can't hold it or skate with it. Goalies are allowed to hold the puck for three seconds, more if being checked, but can't hold it in a way that causes game stoppage.


Answer by  avalanchebad (164)

Non-goaltenders are not allowed to close their glove around a hockey puck during gameplay. If a player picks up a hockey puck, he must serve a two minute delay-of-game penalty that is assessed to his team. Goaltenders, however, are free to lift or catch the puck in order to direct it to another teammate or freeze play.


Answer by  ShayanFCB (366)

As long as the puck is lifted using the stick, there aren't currently any rules that are against lifting a hockey puck


Answer by  canmattbc (29)

I don't beleive that there is any rules regarding lifting or carrying of the puck.The only rule that might affect this is if the puck is lifted high enough that it becomes a high sticking call.

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