

Question by  MsSnoop (29)

What are the risks or disadvantages of monosodiumglutimate (msg)?


Answer by  mwebster6 (43)

MSG is a food additive that: 1). Enhances flavor of foods, so many manufacturers use it. Individuals therefore consume it knowingly or unknowingly 2). Is not regulated by the FDA so no control on usage by manufacturers 3). Is linked to many issues such as heart conditions, blindness, etc


Answer by  Crystal47 (59)

People with arthritis can't eat food made with msg because it makes their joints hurt and people with celiac can't eat food made with it without getting sick.


Answer by  Betty0320 (734)

A lot of people are or can become allergic to MSG. This can cause headaches, swelling and stomach ache. MSG also raises your blood pressure.


Answer by  Michelle27 (103)

MSG is good for keeping food fresh even while it's sitting out for long periods of time (ie: a buffet restaurant). It can also cause extreme stomach pain.


Answer by  ruth (407)

People can be allergic to MSG and the side effects range from a very bad headache, to an upset stomach to short term paralysis. Its best to just avoid it.


Answer by  Anonymous

theres nothing wrong with msg, as long as you use it moderately.


Answer by  Anonymous

MSG is mummy sleeps good!!!

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