health conditions


Question by  San46 (12)

What are the hypothermia symptoms?


Answer by  sanityrose (2664)

The first and most important symptom of hypothermia is a drop in body temperature below 95º. In Addition, symptoms of hypothermia include shivering you can't gain control over, confusion and possible hallucinations, body weakness, loss of coordination, cold/pale skin, drowsiness, and a lowering heartbeat and breathing. Hypothermia can happen in extreme conditions and long term exposure in simple damp-cold conditions.


Answer by  hartford (506)

Hypothermia is defined by a core body temperature under 95 degrees. When the body cools, brain function declines and lethargy Increases. The disoriented person may eventually fall into a coma.


Answer by  sususu (866)

Symptoms vary depending on severity, but some include shivering, low coordination, confusion, low energy, slurred speech, shallow breathing, and a weak pulse. Afflicted persons may be unaware of their condition.


Answer by  newgeneration (699)

Early symptoms of hypothermia include shivering, hypertension, and other body responses to preserve heat. As it progresses, the victim suffers violent shivering, poor coordination, stupor, blue skin and organ failure.


Answer by  Dave2560 (204)

The most common symptoms of hypothermia are a blue shade to the skin of the affected area as well as numbness.


Answer by  kbbaybee16 (350)

Uncontrollable shivering (although, at extremely low body temperatures, shivering may stop) Weakness and loss of coordination Confusion Pale and cold skin Drowsiness – especially in more severe stages Slowed breathing or heart rate These are the symptoms of hypothermia, if you do have these symptoms go to the hospital for it may be life threatening.

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