

Question by  kcorchero (10)

What are the different types of dog illnesses?


Answer by  rogera (788)

There are many types of illnesses in dogs, they have viral infections, bacterial infections, parvo, canine mange,blood infections,flea infestations causing skin rashes and many other skin infestations causing the dog to be sick.Dogs also get skeletal illnesses from being left out in the elements. Without proper housing from the elements they can get pneumonia, and other respiratory ailments.


Answer by  LissaT (34)

Dog illnesses include Parvo virus, kennel cough, parasites (worms, ticks, fleas), Von Wildebrandts disease. There is also canine valley fever, pancreatitis, canine osteosarcoma, renal failure, Juvenile Pyoderma, Canine Hemangiosarcoma, Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Dogs (IBD), Dog Elbow Dysplasia, and walking dandruff. Generally, any issue that effects humans can effect dogs, or can have a "canine" version.

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