


Question by  ellzee (25)

What are the best insecticides for gnats?


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

I found that the best insectide is soap and water sprayed directly onto plants or sit a bowl of soapy water out. The gnats will be drawn to the soapy water and drown.


Answer by  Jules28 (196)

Dusts that contain Diazinon and sprays that contain Pyrethrins will be your best bet. Pyrethrins will kill on contact while the Diazinon dust is used to control future hatchings.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

Fungus gnats on houseplants can be managed by letting the plant dry between watering. If this doesn't work Pyrethrin sprays can be purchased at a garden center. You can also use pheromone traps. Outdoors try products that contain cypermethrin.


Answer by  DS9Benji (52)

Insecticides such as Malathion and Diazinon work well in eliminating gnats, these chemicals must be applied to the soil in most cases, and may potentially cause damage to plants.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

SC Johnson Wax makes a good product for getting rid of gnats I can't remember the name but I bought mine at walmart.


Answer by  smithjen1498 (192)

There are a few different options for insecticides. You could use Diazinon or Malathion to treat soil surfaces. You could also use an aerosol insecticide to spray in the air and on the soil.


Answer by  Michelle27 (103)

RAID! It kills them the very second it touches them! Spray it around a big group and expect to see a pile of them on the ground/floor/windowsill/etc.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, I would say raid is the best. It is the single handed effective spray I have used and it has worked wonders.


Answer by  Langleylove (14)

For a cheap home made spray that is more non toxic then most you can make a soap or tea spray. Get an empty spray bottle and mix water with a little dish soap. Or boil tea leaves in water and add a little dish soap to the mixture. You will not need to worry about kids and pets.


Answer by  Hoth (56)

Organic bug sprays applied to the soil have been effective in properly getting rid of most gnat problems in gardens and outdoors.


Answer by  crystalj (196)

Raid and black flag are the top insecticides when dealing with gnats and other little pest that you may encounter in or around your home.

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