
 diy  tv


Question by  EcoCrafty (33)

What are some good troubleshooting steps for my new tv?

I can't get a picture, but the sound is fine. I just don't know where to start with tv troubleshooting.


Answer by  robertbarnes1 (12)

Start troubleshooting by checking the auto vedio cable's in the back of the tv to see if they are connected to the correct port and plugged in all the way.


Answer by  slhart (72)

Verify the TV is on the correct input for what you are watching. If this doesn't correct issue look at owner's manual or contact TV manufacturer.


Answer by  Me51 (357)

Unplug the TV and leave unplugged for a minute or so and try again. Check the cables, ensure they are connected to the right source and tight connection.


Answer by  mangosteen (272)

modern TVs have unbelievable numbers of options and settings. when you know how to use it, there are advantages to all of this, combined with all the connectivity options (cable, over-the-air broadcasting, dvd player etc), it gets complex pretty fast. reading the manual is your best bet.


Answer by  John (9008)

Start by reviewing your owner's manual. These frequently include troubleshooting tips. If doesn't help, the next step is to check all of your wiring and connections.


Answer by  asvd (10)

You might have got a new TV but with old CRT. Otherwise, there might be a problem in printed circuit board. The power might not be reached to picture tube.

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