

Question by  doggyhouz (75)

What are some dog diseases?


Answer by  DogLady85 (171)

Hip dysplasia, diabetes, epilepsy, Addison's disease, Cushings disease, parvovirus, rabies, distemper, influenza, degenerative myelopathy, osteosarcoma, lymphoma, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, coccidia, gastric dilitation-volvulus, giardia, hemangiosarcoma, inflammatory bowel disease, wobblers, brucellosis, lyme disease, erlichiosis, leptospirosis, urolithiasis, arthritis, blastyomycosis, laryngeal paralysis, demodectic mange, allergies, salmonella, urinary calculi, dermatitis, glaucoma, pancreatitis, progressive retinal atrophy, MRSA.


Answer by  kipcat (1964)

Hip dysplasia (affects the hip joints, like arthritis), rabies, parvovirus, canine distemper, canine influenza, canine hepatitis, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, kennel cough, mange, heart valve dysplasia, epilepsy, retinal dysplasia, ear infections, osteosarcoma (bone tumor), diabetes, Cushings dyndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, renal failure, urinary tract infection, prostate disease, bladder stones.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

There are a lot of different dog diseases. Some are breed specific and some can effect any dog. A few can be rabies, lyme disease, heartworms, or ringworm


Answer by  rainbowbrite98 (80)

Some diseases that dogs get are kidney disease, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, canine distemper, liver disease, kennel cough, giardiasis and aspergillosis.

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