

Question by  Adaamrf77 (23)

What are some common salt water animals?


Answer by  admiralgloom (65)

Common types of salt water animals include: sea horses, bone fish, cod, dolphin, tarpon, tun, flounder, mackerel, marlin, kingfish. There also living sea plants, such as an Anemone. Other types of salt water animals are the octopus, sea cucumbers, crown-of-thorns starfish, stinging corals, hydroids, the common jellyfish, sea urchins, but the list can just keep on going!


Answer by  JadeRick (61)

I would say that there is a very large number of species that inhabits the salt waters. I can't possible list them all, but here is a few of them... saltwater crocodiles, killer whales, blue whales, sperm whales, humpback whales (all whales, really), all dolphins, turtles (some species), fish (lots and lots of fish), sharks (all kinds), and so on.


Answer by  Angelbaby79 (31)

There are many animals that will do well in salt water. A few of my favorites are angel fish, Butterflyfish and lionfish. Many people prefer puffers and clownfish. If you plan to put together an aquarium you must first find out which fish go well together to avoid stress on the fish as well as injuries.


Answer by  toottoot (192)

There are lots of animals that live in salt water like sharks, fish, crabs, whales, and plankton. They are able to thrive in salt water instead of in fresh water. There are also lots of plants that live in saltwater. Saltwater animals are often fished for sport and for food.


Answer by  mrsshelast (899)

Common animals that live in salt water include whales, some types of sharks, walurses, star fish, some types of jelly fish, some typews of sting rays, and some times of salmon.


Answer by  MelindaS (1694)

Salt water animals include whales and dolphins, starfish, sharks, seals, sea horses, sea lions, shrimp, krill, and a variety of fish.

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