

Question by  Andie (38)

What are some cold remedies for cats?


Answer by  mayuri (48)

I have treated my cats' cold with capsules of fish oil, smll amounts of L-Lysine & vitamin C .I grind up the pills and add just a pinch to about 2 tablespoons of food.Give the cat bath in lukewarm water with a soap . Cats should not be given food items containing caffeine (like coffee,coke etc.) in their diet.


Answer by  Haritha (25)

For common cold you can vitamin C for relieving cold symptoms. Just a quarter of vitamin C for maximum of 4 days. And always make sure keep him/her in a warm place and make sure to feed them properly. If symptom persists consult with the vet for identifying the real cause.


Answer by  Olive (1195)

Most important is that your cat is eating and drinking. It is recommended that you take your cat to the vet before something more serious develops.


Answer by  Aya (797)

Keep the cat indoors and warm. There are some medications provided by the vet for more serious issues like pneumonia, but not much you can do for an actual cold.

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