


Question by  JumpingJoeGastineau (60)

What are some cocker spaniel grooming styles?


Answer by  Euripides (174)

There are two accepted styles: the feather cut, which is what competition dogs are groomed with (short on top and long at the haunches, legs and ruff) and active cut, where the dog is cropped to 1/2" all over. This is good for working dogs or hot climates.


Answer by  srainne (2597)

There are tons of sites with more details and fabulous example pictures, but the usual cocker spaniel styles include the show cut (long skirt w/o curls, cocker cut (skirt w/ curls) and the puppy cut (trimmed short all over).


Answer by  lpfirman (403)

There are as many grooming styles as there are colors in the rainbow. Saddleback is the most common. The dog's back is cht short and underside left long.

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