Questions and Answers About: mental health

What is seasonal affective disorder?

posted by  hassan27(6)

What are typical teen male issues?

posted by  katie15(62)

How do you deal with Christmas stress?

posted by  apett(20)

What are some sociopathic personalities?

posted by  DavidBBoone(23)

Is anxiety a reason for military medical discharge?

posted by  Ashley(39)

What is paranoid psychosis?

posted by  ksamani(14)

How do you get revenge?

posted by  seagambrell(91)

What are the signs of pathological jealousy?

posted by  MasterofZelda(19)

What is color therapy?

posted by  CSguy(15)

How effective is Abilify in controlling Bipolar Disorder?

posted by  earlgrey(45)

Can you have a panic attack when you're drunk?

posted by  3orabi(104)

What is "rational emotive" behavior.

posted by  slq452(17)

How do you overcome a creative block?

posted by  jana17(34)

What is the Global Assessment of Functioning used for?

posted by  leelah(92)

How can I stop losing my love to mental illness?

posted by  exliny(21)

How can I learn not to worry so much?

posted by  ganesh(84)

How much does stress age us?

posted by  srinicse(12)

How do you go about getting over a nervous breakdown?

posted by  KrissyA(32)

How can I talk to my wife about her depression?

posted by  Rincon787(52)

Will someone taking meds for being bipolar always need them?

posted by  Annie(24)

How can I identify mind control in abusive relationships?

posted by  kavin(15)

Are there any homeopathic remedies for a mental disorder?

posted by  Mike67(14)

What is the best way to overcome a fear of water?

posted by  pingpong(46)

Can I take time off work for depression?

Is there such a thing as strategic family therapy?

posted by  doowopcityusa(18)

How can I deal with trust issues from a past relationship?

posted by  pasty216(20)

Do you tell jokes to relieve fear and anxiety?

posted by  jackburton(21)

What are the most common dementia symptoms?

posted by  Nycherub(47)

How do you deal with narcissistic personality disorder?

posted by  archaicx(40)

What is the cure for the hair pulling disorder?

posted by  Linda94(2)

At what age is simple age-related memory loss an issue?

posted by  moortiz(29)

How can you get help for people to hurt themselves?

posted by  Chris43(32)

Why am I having obsessive thoughts of death?

posted by  samus42(24)

Why is my child impulsive to hit kids?

posted by  wingnutnan(2)

What can I do about depression affecting relationships?

posted by  Mike93(8)

What are the most relaxing scents?

posted by  Nikku(17)

What is the difference between bipolar and bipolar two?

posted by  Isl(25)

How do you deal with separation anxiety in kids?

posted by  amber83(9)

How do you know whether you need to see a psychiatrist?

posted by  atticusr5(38)

What is level 6 dementia?

posted by  Susan86(10)

What are Dr. Phil's licenses and credentials?

posted by  Manuel(36)

How do you cut ties with a dysfunctional family?

posted by  googlee(8)

How can I deal with someone who has germaphobia?

posted by  rochellelarson(12)

Can a lack of sunlight cause someone to become depressed?

posted by  rikin(16)

How to stop compulsive lying?

posted by  Heather99(65)

What is bodily-kinesthetic?

posted by  yutbetsy(2)

Can you get a military discharge for depression?

posted by  MC23(85)

Does Risperdal cure mental illness?

posted by  wowcandy(20)

What are the best treatments to cure Aspergers Syndrome?

posted by  Alma(13)

What is gestalt theory?

posted by  worker33(41)

Where do negative thoughts come from?

posted by  Sin42(11)

Does anxiety cause hypertension?

posted by  evilflu(9)

What is the best way to let go of the past?

posted by  muffinx1(232)

What is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy?

posted by  sunnypenguin(28)

How do you know if you're going insane?

posted by  psychomom(58)

Is it a good idea to take lorazapam for anxiety?

posted by  Ringir(46)

What is atelophobia?

posted by  ajith44(16)

What is the most effective way to suppress emotions?

posted by  fishrmann(44)

Can you tell me why my cat is mean?

posted by  chrisp(13)

What does bipolar mean?

posted by  sillymama(13)

What is dialectical behavior?

posted by  nykclifton(37)

Why do people who love me push me away?

posted by  meme(11)

What are some fun ways to deal with frustration?

posted by  Sam65(198)

How do you break a habit?

posted by  Cobalt80(8)

Will liquor take away anxiety?

posted by  avanthika(23)

How do you deal with an angry spouse?

posted by  Feisty(87)

How do I get over a fear of commitment?

posted by  Jennifer92(16)

What are some tips to make going through a breakup easier?

posted by  sue21(62)

How do you know if you're depressed?

posted by  katja910(11)

What is the best way to deal with anxiety?

posted by  Missy3530(20)

What are the most common nervous breakdown causes?

posted by  annie30(105)

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