pet health


Question by  etweedie (107)

Should I be concerned about my dogs eating cigarettes?


Answer by  Louise (94)

Yes! You definitely need to keep the cigarettes out of reach of the dog. Cigarettes contain poisons that could be negatively impacting your dog's overall health because they do not have the same abilities of a human immune and digestive system. Also,many times dogs do not show outward signs of illness until they are very ill.


Answer by  worker76 (773)

I would absolutely be concerned. Aside from the obvious it making your dog sick and throw up, cigarettes are not meant to be digested. This could give your dog upset stomach, diarhea, and will cause dehydration. I would make certain to keep them out of reach from your dog always.


Answer by  Kris (797)

Keep cigarettes away from pets, especially puppies. It is toxic if ingested. It tastes bad, so your pet may not eat much, but still could get enough to have lethal dose if it is a small animal. Watch for drooling, tremors, constricted pupils, odd behavior, twitching or seizures. Pet may vomit up most of it, but still should see vet.


Answer by  PrncsPrple (237)

Absolutely, positively yes. You cannot let your dog eat cigarettes. They can get nicotine poisoning from it. The severity will depend on the size of the dog. A smaller dog only has to eat a little to get very sick, whereas a bigger dog could eat more. It can cause tremors or even cardiac problems.

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