


Question by  Kayla77 (26)

My eye hurts all the time, what should I do?


Answer by  Sergiu (344)

If you are spending too much time in front of your computer try to limit it. Also find time during the day to rest your eyes by keeping them closed for a while. If your eye still hurts then you should just visit a doctor and have it checked to be safe.


Answer by  river (1226)

Put a warm compress on it, if the pain is constant go and see a doctor. Try tracking the pain is it at certain times of the day, maybe too much computer time or reading. But definitely have it checked.


Answer by  jeantalbot (96)

Check that there is no foreign body in your eye and no trauma - that is no blow to your eye.If this not the case you must obtain medical advice.


Answer by  bo (874)

If your eye hurts all the time, it is not normal. You should go see your eye doctor because something serious could be wrong with your eye. A doctor can diagnose and suggest treatment options.


Answer by  maher (6)

go to the doctor and tell them the matter surly he will help you and give advices and may be some medicine or ask an older man or women they know a lot more than us because of their experiences

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