

Question by  rc37 (24)

My boyfriend wants attention all the time. What should I do?


Answer by  Marie (778)

It may be that your boyfriend doesn't feel secure in the relationship that you are in, or even secure with himself. You should reassure him of your feelings, and make specific plans to spend time together. It is not realistic for him to be the center of your attention at all times.


Answer by  kipcat (1964)

Try talking to him and letting him know that even if you are not paying attention to him, it does not mean you don't love him. Let him know that he needs to spend some time by himself, doing something he enjoys, just as you need to for yourself. Everyone needs their own 'alone time'.


Answer by  Sol (39)

Gove him a little attention, it's ok to nurture him and stuff. but if he starts becoming annoying then put a stop to it. Or you might go with the not doing it. it's really up to you.

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