health procedures


Question by  shego (255)

Is sedation required for colonoscopy?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Colonoscopies are performed while the patient is sedated though it is not general anesthesia. Versed and Propofol are commonly used. Propofol is not narcotic.


Answer by  S93 (524)

Sedation is not required for a colonoscopy. Mostly it is used, but can be refused by the patient. It is recommended because there is discomfort and cramping during the procedure.


Answer by  worker9711 (30)

Generally Yes. Colonoscopy can be quite uncomfortable, especially as the scope navigates the major bends in the colon to enable the operator to visualize the entire length.


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

A colonoscopy does not require sedation if a person can relax and not move during the procedure. Sedation can help the procedure be quicker with little to no discomfort.

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