

Question by  muratti (15)

Is it safe to buy a car with lien papers?


Answer by  beck (1099)

I would definitely avoid anything that has a lien against it. This can prevent clear title for you to the property.


Answer by  atman (308)

No, you need to buy a car with a clean title. You will not be able to register a car with a lien on the paperwork in your name.


Answer by  Darry (3853)

Basically this means purchasing a car under a bank loan which should not cause a problem as long as you talk to the loan holder first and pay them directly.


Answer by  Laquesha (61)

It is not safe at all. You cannot properly register a car with lien papers. Wait for an opportunity to get a clear title on it.


Answer by  Brooklyner (58)

Don't do it! Don't take collateral from one thing you have and put it toward something else. Save up and only spend money you actually have. Good luck!


Answer by  rnovikoffgmailcom (1722)

It is possible but its defintly frowned upon. u dont want to take a lien out of our house or other properties in case things go south and then ur scrwed.


Answer by  don5601 (70)

no and i would not waist your time with it but if you want to take a risk go ahead and do it for all you have. also don't jump on all you can get for all it has take it slow and find what you really want. take care

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