


Question by  lulu (20)

Is it possible to train a bearded dragon?


Answer by  Amy28 (47)

Almost any animal can be trained, but some are more difficult than others. Bearded dragons are easier to train if you raise them from birth. You will probably not be able to train your dragon to do tricks, but you can train them in a way that they can be held without any aggression.


Answer by  ksematt (27)

Bearded dragons do not have very good hearing, so vocal commands are out of the question. The training of an animal relies mostly on intelligence and comprehension of an animal, and the bearded dragon is not a very intelligent reptile. You may get a response from your reptile every time you open the cage for feeding, though.


Answer by  kittymum (142)

If you're referring to training the beardie to eliminate in a specific spot - unfortunately, no. Beardies can be trained to eat from your hand or can be coerced with food to come to you. The more you handle and talk to your beardie, the more responsive he/she will become.


Answer by  Brawl (47)

You cannot train them to do tricks but they will learn to respond to seeing you put food or treats in your hand. This will be useful in training them to be held. It's best to train them to be held by doing so from when they are babies.


Answer by  TylerRDavis (22)

It would be very difficult to train a bearded dragon. Animal training requires a couple things that these reptiles lack. First of all, bearded dragons cannot hear well, making it hard to teach them commands. Also, bearded dragons lack the intelligence and playfulness to be trained.


Answer by  BreeKL (138)

In theory you should be able to train any animal using conditioning. You have to reward it when it does soemthing sort of related to the action you want it to do (like go near an object), then for something more related (like touching the object), then finally for the actual action (like getting on the object.


Answer by  samwise (10)

It possible to train a bearded dragon to do very simple tasks. Mainly with food as an intensive. Just like Pavlov's experiment with the dog it would be possible to train a dragon to do something involuntary.


Answer by  fishlover49 (643)

It depends on what you want to train it to do. Bearded dragons will not beg for food, sit or come when called but you can train it to eat out of your hand and to not try to get out of its habitat when you open the door to feed it.


Answer by  Anonymous

my bearded dragon was hard to train so i had my couisin help me.

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