

Question by  Casey (22)

Is it legal to sell copies of movies?


Answer by  DanielleK (535)

If the movie has been licenced inside the United States and you are selling from that country then yes, it is copywright infringement and is illegal if you are selling unauthorized copies of a film. However, if it is a foreign film that has not been licenced inside the United States, then its legal to produce and sell copies.


Answer by  crazycool (145)

Well, I think a lot of it depends on where you live. In a lot of places you need a license to sell anything. But if you're selling illegal or pirated movie copies, that's not legal anywhere. The FBI is in charge of prosecuting for that, so it doesn't matter where you live - they'll find you!


Answer by  debmalewski (1085)

No,it is not legal-unless they are movies that you have made yourself. To copy a movie and sell it is considered a copyright violation. You could be sued and fined for copyright violation. Any artistic work from movies to paintings and drawings to photos, is protected by copyright upon creation in the United States.


Answer by  workingwoman11 (195)

When you make a copy of a movie to sell it is called infringement. It is very illegal. Not only can you go to jail, you also make movies cost more for the people who really buy them. If you get caught I believe it is a large fine and up to one year in jail.

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