


Question by  jac275 (15)

Is Indian corn good to eat?


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

No, it's very tough and usually used in the fall as a decoration with leaves, horn of plenty and any fall decoration. I tried it once to be sure that it was edible and found that it was not.


Answer by  facet (41)

Most Indian corn cobs are meant for decoration should not be eaten because they may be coated in lacquers meant to help preserve the color. However, there are several colorful varieties of corn meant for human consumption.


Answer by  drdread2345 (8)

I have not had the privilege of trying to eat Indian corn. The corn itself is beautiful and would be a great addition aesthetically to any meal. The corn, even if used as just a filler, could add flair to any meal, but I am not sure how it tastes.

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