

Question by  Jenni (17)

How should I cook lentil beans?


Answer by  ktspoints (48)

Cook lentils using a minimum of two cups water per cup of lentils. Boil and then simmer until soft. Season with ham bone, carrots, cumin, or whatever spices you like.


Answer by  ashstrat (19)

Combine 1 cup of dry lentils with two cups of water, let simmer with lid tilted for 25 to 30 minutes. Strain and rinse once completely cooked.


Answer by  Sarah16 (71)

Lentil beans need to be soaked overnight before being cooked. Then they can be made into daul or added to stir-fries.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

It is best to soak them in cold water overnight. Then pour off the water, add new water or soup stock, bring t a boil, then simmer until tender.

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