


Question by  t56 (143)

How much sugar is in Fruity Pebbles cereal?


Answer by  bethanyseeley (130)

3/4 of a cup of Fruity Pepples contains 12 grams of sugar. This is equal to 2 1/4 teaspoons! The total carbohydrate count of this serving of Fruity Pebbles This serving has a total of 24grams of carbophydrates. Not including the milk, it has 108 calories, and 8% of the dally recommended allowance of carbohydrates.


Answer by  skm (432)

One serving of Fruity Pebbles (excluding milk) contains 110 calories. There are 26 grams of carbohydrtes, 11 of which are sugar.


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

About 42.5% of the dry weight of Fruity Pebbles is sugar. That comes to 15 grams per cup. Not the highest by any means: Post Raisin Bran contains 16 grams per cup and even Cinnamon Spice Oatmeal contains 15.5. Breakfast cereals in general are high in sugar, that's why kids love them.

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