

Question by  snikcidylime (32)

How long should it take my child to adjust to being in preschool?

It's already been four weeks, and it's not easier than it was on the first day.


Answer by  Franks82 (60)

You will find that for each child it will be different. You will need to look at the routine and make sure that every day is the same at drop off and pick up time. Setting a routine helps the child to anticipate what is going to happen.


Answer by  Stella (26)

First/PT situation? Four weeks is not unusual. Remember,your child looks to you. Be confident at drop off. Give a hug. Say "I'm leaving. I love you." Don't linger or leave without saying goodbye. Make a plan with your child's teacher to help him/her adjust.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

If the child has not previously been in care, it may be another two or three months to adjust to being away from Mommy.

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