how to


Question by  shannab (117)

How do you stucco a ceiling?


Answer by  Jimbob (2275)

Stucco is best applied with a machine that sprays it under pressure. In this way an even coat is applied which is all but impossible by hand.


Answer by  chric (90)

Use a 3/4" or thicker paint roller and joint compound. Use a large putty knige to apply compound to ceiling and roll over it.


Answer by  SandyG (807)

Tape & plastic the walls to keep them clean. Check the home improvement store for a kit. Stucco is generally meant for the exterior of the house. Are you sure you don't mean the popcorn finish on ceilings? Home improvement stores also have those.


Answer by  mb (5482)

The easiest way is to get the stucco plaster and a mini-scaffold that allows you to lie down and plaster up onto the ceiling with a trowel.


Answer by  mcmario2007 (786)

Yes you can do it two ways using certain tools the first choice would be to buy the canned stucco and spray it on the ceiling and then apply paint.

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