health conditions


Question by  biscuits090 (37)

How do they fix blocked arteries?

Can you do it without surgery?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

If the arteries aren't blocked too awfully bad, medication may unblock them. About the only sure way to unblock an artery is to have a bypass heart surgery. Usually the veins are stripped from the bottom part of your legs and grafted to where the blockage is. Your doctor will advise you.


Answer by  juanita57 (1374)

Yes they can do it without major surgery. They can put stints in your arteries to open them up so blood can flow through better. They go through your groin with the precedure and put the stint or stints in your arteries with just a little bit of sleeping medicine to make you relax.


Answer by  rasheedckd (133)

if there is a single block in the arteries, angioplasty is performed to fix the artery. if there are multiple arterial blocks, then angioplasty is performed to fix arteries. in this a tube or catheter is inserted into the blocked vessel, and make fix the artery using the tip of the catheter.

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