

Question by  JimB (13)

How do I put a lien on a motorcycle?


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

Depending on: Your jurisdiction, province, or state, and Type of lien, Liens are recorded or registered either by: Your province's or state's Bureau or Department of Motor-Vehicles, or your County-Court-Clerk. A seller or service-provider generally needs to obtain the signature of the person(s) purchasing a product or service on an appropriate-form which is filed with a BMV/DMV or County-Court-Clerk.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well if it the motorcycle has already been paid off, what you can do is take your title to a D.M.V. in your area and tell them you would like to apply for a lien. They will give you a lien holders license.


Answer by  H797H (157)

Typically used on higher value items, like houses, cars and other expensive things like large watercraft, motorcycles may not be high enough in value to place a lien for unpaid debts. But if the motorcycle is expensive enough and qualifies, typically these issues are taken care of in one of two places, at an attorney or a bank.


Answer by  countrygal (164)

To Put a lien on a motorcycle you would take the title to the DMV in your area and tell them you wish to have a lienholder place on it and they will do it while you wait. There is a section on the title for lienholders on the title.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

To put a lien on a motorcycle you have to file for an abandoned title of the motorcycle. It is the same thing as applying for a quit title if you are wondering.

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