
 food  how to


Question by  blang (45)

How do I make menus for eating several small meals a day?


Answer by  worker3384 (157)

You could try dividing the day up into 2 categories of meals and snacks. Lets say you want to eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. You could list meals on one side and your favorite snacks on the other side. If calories need to be counted list each meal and snacks worth. mix and match your meals.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Planning out your meals ahead of time will reduce the stress of trying to make smaller meals. There are several places online that provide recipes for two servings so you don't need to waste a lot of food. You can always cook one dish and then use the left overs to turn it into another dish.


Answer by  benstac (1928)

For making small meals, just make sure you are paying attention to your serving sizes and making sure you are following the FDA recommended allowances. One of the small meals can be as siimple as a small apple and a couple of un-salted almonds.


Answer by  Duncan (1124)

There are many programs out there that can help you make balanced mini-meals to be eaten throughout the day. Try several until you find one that works for you.


Answer by  Vllad45 (1886)

Pick several multi-use ingredients to work this week's meals around, something like tofu (baked one day is good for three) or lean turkey. Try to balance fat, protein, and carbs in each meal, so add fresh fruit or a vegetable and a small serving of bread (pretzels are good for this).

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