

Question by  worker2137 (12)

How do I know if my boyfriend is in love with me?


Answer by  Tiara (351)

You will know when he does special things for you. He will put off going out with his friends to be with you. He'll do things that will make you happy or goes out of his way to satisfy you. One sure way of knowing is him actually telling you that he loves you.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

First off, are his actions speaking it, and also, is he saying it! What kind of committment is he also giving you. These three questions should answer whether or not he does.


Answer by  vinu (68)

It's easy, Just quarrel with him and said don't talk to me, don't disturb me, i hate you etc... then he will surely tell his love to you very straightly. because he is love with you

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