

Question by  Mini (38)

How do I choose a good technology consulting firm?


Answer by  CELH (298)

By not choosing a firm. You should choose an individual consultant. Their motivation is to get you the best deal so you will refer other people to them. If you go by word of mouth and choose a firm, chances are the person who recommended the firm is getting a kick back.


Answer by  TommyK91 (6)

First, ask your colleagues and friends who they have used. Next, research each company's website for services you need or if they have clients similar to you. Next, make direct contact and explain your needs to see if they think you are a good fit. Finally, ask for references, and call every reference they provide.


Answer by  sneezy10 (151)

Technology consulting firms should have a website. If so, visit the site and see if it looks professional. Look for ratings from other users as well.


Answer by  trdimc2009yahoocom (171)

You should do some thorough research via the internet. You can check with friends and family for references. Check with co-workers or others that have or are doing what you need to be done. And don't be afraid to network and ask around. Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if they have any complaints.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

1. Word of mouth from happy clients. 2. Competitors who have technology that you want and finding out who they used.


Answer by  KameshManoharan (20)

1. Check employment history of the firm 2. Support given by the firm to the candidates to find good projects 3. Contact candidates to know how the firm treat them.

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