

Question by  naenae2000 (39)

How can I troubleshoot my pool pump?


Answer by  wingdog987 (154)

You didn't mention problem. I'm guessing low flow rate. First check flow meter (bubble, dirt or defective). If that's not it SHUT OFF POWER, see if you can access impeller blades for debris by removing skimme basket. Otherwise you'll have to pull motor to clean impeller.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Get out the manual that came with the pum and do it through the trouble shooting tips they have listed in it.


Answer by  mrsmyers (474)

You would call a pool person to come out and fix it unless you knew exactly what you were going to troubleshoot.


Answer by  Amy21 (460)

You can troubleshoot your pool pump in several ways. One way is to turn it on and see if sumersed in water if the fan is going. Another way is to see if anything stuck in it and go form there.


Answer by  peace232 (76)

First, check electrical connections to make sure that your pump has power. Second, make sure that pump return lines and drains are not blocked by debris.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, if it is not working, try applying pressure into it. If it is still not working, take it back to the store and ask for replacement.


Answer by  Brandydog (631)

It depends what is wrong with it. Someone with experience can often tell by what happens when you try to turn it on. You should let such a person observe turning it on and garner advice for future referance.

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