dental care


Question by  kasen (46)

How can I tell why the gum is hurting behind a tooth?


Answer by  MPyles (201)

The first thing to do would be to check and see if it has any puncture or burn wounds or that you could be possibly brushing your teeth to hard. After those checks your best bet would be to call you dentist and see if there is anything you can do without having to sere them,


Answer by  Hepets84 (139)

This can happen for too many reasons to list here. Most likely is a cavity that has descended under your gum. See a dentist to get it filled.


Answer by  maber (1427)

Either something is stuck behind your tooth in the gum or your tooth has a cavity that is starting to form. Try some dental floss to see if that helps, if not, then you shoud see a dentist.

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