how to


Question by  deana (28)

How can I stop water from coming down my chimney?


Answer by  RazorMK (59)

You can put some of those metal sheets on the top of the chimney( with legs underneath so that the smoke can come out too). I will also stop birds from making nests on your chimney. I have seen this on many houses here. Also make sure to clean the chimney first.


Answer by  bazillion (87)

Stopping water from coming down a chimney depends on the source of the water. If your chimney is open at the top, you can install a chimney cap. Otherwise, you may have to repair the flashing around the base of the chimney or repair the mortar that holds the chimney together. Either of these can cause a chimney to leak.


Answer by  trombonequeen (36)

When you are not using it such as in the summer I would get a small tarp and place it on the top of the chimney. Make sure it is water repellent or use some water repellent spray on it. Hopefully this helps you. You may need to consult someone a hardware store for fixing it for use in winter.


Answer by  cheerup (16)

You will need access to the top of the chimney. Depending on configuration of the top end, you may be able to put a cover, such as a plastic bag over the top and tie it on. Be sure to remove it before using the chimney.

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