how to


Question by  chrisf01864 (25)

How can I make my own magic illusions?

Are there any good homemade magic tricks that I can do?


Answer by  Amom (701)

The easiest magic tricks to learn are card tricks. If money is a problem, you can find some great magic books at your local library. Cool card tricks: A technique for the advanced magician by Paul Zenon is a good place to start. He has written a number of magic books that you can get from your local library.


Answer by  Jenniedeelo (169)

The best way to learn magic tricks is to go to the library or a book store and purchase a magic trick book so you can learn step by step.


Answer by  Anonymous

you can put a patch of tape on a balloon, then stick a needle in the piece of tape stuck to the balloon.the needle will just go right through the balloon.IT WON'T POP!!!


Answer by  bizco17 (62)

A good start is to search on the internet, and you will see many videos that contain tutorials on doing magic illusions. A lot of them are card tricks, but you will find others that use everyday household items. Some items that are commonly used are cups, rubberbands, and cotton balls.

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