

Question by  Wallybingus (176)

How can I know the calorie content of food?

I'm on a diet.


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

It is hard not to find the calorie count on food anymore. Each package and can has calories written on the label that tells you how many calories per serving.


Answer by  pagan23 (1342)

There are a lot of websites that will tell you the caloric content of food. Most boxes of food have labels on them that explain the caloric content of the food inside of it. If you can't find it on the box, the company's website will also have it listed.


Answer by  tcat (769)

I think that they list the calorie put food unit on the label. That would be the first place I would look. Also know that high carbo foods will put the fat on, like potatoes and pasta.

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