how to


Question by  fsmandelbaum (59)

How can I create the same excel formula for a whole column?


Answer by  Ervin (95)

The easiest way is to highlight a box that has the formula desired. After this, move the mouse cursor to the bottom right corner of that box (a small cross icon should appear). Simply select click your mouse, and drag to the last cell that you want the formula in.


Answer by  Richard88 (391)

The plan: Enter the formula, then copy the cell. The details: Hover over the bottom right corner of the cell. The mouse pointer will turn into a "+". Left click and hold down the mouse button, then drag down. When you release the button, the formula is copied.


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

Point the mouse in the bottom right corner of the cell with the formula in it. Hold down the CTRL button and drag the mouse down through the cells that you want to put the formula in.


Answer by  Cathy65 (652)

You can create the formula in the first cell of the column. Then copy the cell and paste it into the other lines cells in the column. This will copy the formula to all of the other cells in the column.

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