

Question by  elsewhen (627)

Have you ever seen a snake in the wild?

Were you startled or was it neat?


Answer by  luna (100)

Yes, I taking my dog on our daily walk around a creek outside of our apartment. He suddenly became interested in something near the water. When I got a closer look I saw a rattlesnake ready to strike. I yanked on my dog's leash and ran quickly away.


Answer by  kaetien (47)

It was really neat! I was on a Nature's Classroom hike in school and a tiny garden snake flitted across the path right in front of me. The way it moves was so cool, it looked like it was rolling along sideways. It definitely startled me, but didn't frighten me.


Answer by  Chris (71)

Yes, I have seen a snake in the wild. I was around 8 years old, walking alone through the woods near my Grandparents home. I don't know what kind of snake it was. It was sunning on the pathway. With normal childhood curiosity (and lack of caution), I leaned down and touched it. It slithered away into the grass.


Answer by  dunk541 (49)


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