human body


Question by  Pete (25)

Can you smell your belly button?


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Yes and no: I can't get my nose close. If I smell an odor on a fingertip I've put in my belly button, it's time to wash!


Answer by  Jack97 (29)

Unless your nose is like Pinochio's, you can't inhale direct smell from the button. But, there are other ways to identify odors from that tiny space. Rubbing a Q-tip in it and bringing it up to your nose, or a moistered cotton ball will do the work.


Answer by  timerunning (805)

It is hard to smell your belly button since your nose cant reach down that far and if you can smell it, that probably means you need to clean it.


Answer by  IsmaraNadir (31)

No i can not smell my belly button directly. Unless I touch it with my finger and then smell it you do feel it smells. I feel its really gross.

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