

Question by  ruth (407)

Are there any advantages to using Dogpile for internet search?


Answer by  UsRNom (25)

Yes, many search engines differentiate themselves on purpose and have different emphasis. Also, the usage of cookies tailors your results at the engines homepage, dogpile can give less biased results.


Answer by  strchild65 (74)

I enjoy using Dogpile because I get different results from using a typical Google search. I often will run both searches and compare and contrast the two results.


Answer by  readingfool (36)

Because Dogpile compiles the results of several of the large search engines at one time it will save you a lot of time and give you more results.


Answer by  P32nicky (73)

There are no advantages to using dogpile or any other search engine. It just depends on your personal preferance.


Answer by  Anonymous

Breezie said she prefers google cos they 'Have Some'. shes crazy!


Answer by  Anonymous

Kay-Gray said that dogpile is lame, google is better. I don't now why. "Have Some"

posted by Anonymous
yeah, but thats only cos she doesn't know how to use Dogpile.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

No ;)


Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous

I'm get used to it!


Answer by  Anonymous

Hey anonymous...I'm anonymous too!!! Let's be buddies!!!

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